
The newly re-imagined 领导 Education 和 Development (LEAD) Certificate is designed to meet students where they are. We have streamlined the certificate so students are able to complete it fully online or face to face.

You will find no GPA requirement, because we believe everyone has the potential to be a leader. The Certificate was created with student input 和 addresses key relevant topics:

Each participant works with a 领导 Advisor who will guide students through the process. The certificate is designed to be completed in one to two semesters. The program offers lots of choices for students 和 is self-paced.

A variety of experiences are offered through the LEAD program. It is designed to help students enhance 和 explore leadership potential through a series of workshops, 课程和社区服务机会. The personalized 领导 Certificate will verify leadership education 和 training to future transfer colleges 和 employers.

Enhancing your resume; Increasing your marketability for transfer to a four year college or building a career; Quality to add to scholarship applications; Giving back to your community by volunteering; Improve communication 和 conflict management skills; Network with other students, 教师, staff 和 alumni; Build a better Finanical Future; 和 Learn Creative Problem Solving skills.

To sign up to participate in the program please fill out the LEAD证书课程注册表.

给学生生活发邮件 & 领导力发展办公室,或致电(585)292-2534查询详情!


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The views 和 opinions expressed in these videos are those of the speakers 和 do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of 澳门官方娱乐游戏平台. 这些视频是 泰德基金会YouTube 并被转发仅用于教育目的.


夸梅基督教, 美国谈判研究所所长

夸梅基督教: 在冲突中寻找信心(视频)
美国谈判研究所所长, Kwame teaches us about an alternative way to resolve conflict. 夸梅基督教 is a business lawyer 和 the director of the American Negotiation Institute. 在这个角色中, he serves as a negotiation consultant for attorneys 和 for companies closing large business deals. He also conducts live training sessions for organizations. 夸梅主持了播客“谈判任何事情”,” where he interviews successful professionals 和 shares powerful persuasion techniques. 有140多个,在140个国家下载和收听, it is the top-ranked negotiation 和 dispute-resolution podcast in the nation. 夸梅是霍金博士的骄傲丈夫. Whitney Christian 和 father of Kai Christian This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. 了解更多关于TEDx计划的信息.


乔纳森标志: 赞扬冲突(视频)
Conflict is bad; compromise, consensus 和 协作 are good -- or so we're told. Lawyer 和 bioethicist 乔纳森标志 challenges this conventional wisdom, 展示了政府如何危害公众健康, human rights 和 the environment when they partner with industry. An important, timely reminder that common good 和 common ground are not the same thing.


多萝西沃克: 解决冲突的3种方法(视频)
Anybody can help resolve a conflict, says project manager 多萝西沃克. 只需简单的三个步骤, she shares how you can use positive energy to solve conflicts between friends, 同事, 陌生人, 孩子和其他人.

多萝西·沃克,PMP, is a certified Project Manager at Wells Fargo as well as mediator 和 facilitator. She is an advocate of conflict resolution 和 believes that everyone is capable of using positive energy to face challenges 和 resolve disputes in a more collaborative environment. 沃克于2015年获得博士学位, writing her dissertation on the effects of energy transference on interpersonal conflicts. 她也是一位画家, 作家、诗人, 和 is currently working with her husb和 on a book about relationships.

多元化股权 & 包容


科尔Blakeway: 我们都是不同的——这是很棒的! (视频)
是什么让你与众不同? 什么事让你从床上跳起来? 科尔Blakeway, a messy ten year old teaches us the value of celebrating differences as he describes his beautiful friendship with Steven, 一个44岁的自闭症患者. 在一个千篇一律的世界里, 科尔Blakeway reminds us that we are all different 和 that's awesome.


梅根·波洛克博士: 如何成为一个包容的领导者(视频)
归属感和被重视是人类的基本需求. Inclusive leadership helps address these two crucial needs 和 enhances performance, 协作, 出席, 减少营业额. 这项生活技能对每个人都有帮助, 然而,创造文化势在必行, 学校, 团队, 以及推动公平结果的组织


斯托瓦尔珍妮特: How to Get Serious About 多样性 和 包容 in the Workplace (视频)
Imagine a workplace where people of all colors 和 races are able to climb every rung of the corporate ladder -- 和 where the lessons we learn about diversity at work actually transform the things we do, 在办公室以外的地方思考和表达. 我们怎么去那里?


Mariano Sigman和Dan Ariely

Mariano Sigman和Dan Ariely: 团队如何做出好的决策? (视频)
我们都知道,当我们在群体中做决定时, they don't always go right -- 和 sometimes they go very wrong. 团队如何做出好的决策? 和他的同事Dan Ariely一起, neuroscientist Mariano Sigman has been inquiring into how we interact to reach decisions by performing experiments with live crowds around the world.

吉姆·塔姆, Former Law Professor 和 Senior Administrative Law Judge

吉姆·塔姆: 合作的第一步? 别这么有戒心! (视频)
吉姆·塔姆 is a former law professor 和 senior administrative law judge for the state of California. 他调停了将近2年。,000 employment disputes 和 h和ed down legal decisions that impacted national labor policy.

Daria Vodopianova

Daria Vodopianova: Rethinking 团体动力学: How to be Better Together (视频)
Daria Vodopianova has set herself a mission to get maximum value from her professional 和 personal environments. She decided to take a closer look at her interactions 和 rebuild them – her results were mind-blowing. Her easily-applicable tips are a model for change in 学校, 公司环境和我们的日常生活.